On a break

Yes, that is a Friends reference. After I took part in the Ehlers-Danlos Society’s Awareness Challenge, I went pretty quiet for a couple months. The reason I wanted to use: “I needed to focus on my family.” In reality, I unconsciously shut down my ability to be vulnerable publicly. It’s almost as if my brain …

Beautiful Strength

A couple months ago I introduced my husband to the Beautiful Strength Bus Instagram page because I loved their mission: Celebrating the resilience of the human spirit through the power of conversation and photography. They’re doing this while traveling around the U.S. in a school bus. I wanted to meet these people someday. Turns out …

Explaining EDS

A few weeks ago I bought a head of garlic; not surprising, I cook with garlic almost every day. It was the most perfect looking head of garlic I had ever bought. Multiple people commented on its beautiful qualities and it became very popular in our household (we’re weirdos, I know). When I broke it …

My Diagnostic Journey

My mom sweetly calls me her problem child because since day one I was a medical diagnostic failure. Dozens of doctors listened to my symptoms and referred me to the next specialist. After many years I gave up trying to understand. No matter how much I wanted to believe in doctors, there’s only so many …